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How Target Feeds Your Obsession

          Online shopping- isn’t it a beautiful, convenient, bank account draining hobby and habit?  Online shopping has grown, during 2020, due to COVID-19 and not being able to go to physical stores and risking spreading the deadly virus.  With online shopping and ecommerece continously growing, many companies have had to adapt to still be able to survive and not go under.  If you have noticed, the ecommerece stores that adapted and employed SEO, were the ones that were still able to make a profit and stay open.  I personally love online shopping, even considering it a hobby, although I may do it a little too much!  One of my favorite ecommerce sites is Target.  Target has always been one of my favorite stores to shop at, and I always come out with everything I needed plus more.  So, when the pandemic first hit, I was devastated because all I craved doing was going on a “Target Run,” and finding some “Target Finds.”  This led me to exploring Target’s website and making purchases freq

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